Event Information

2025 - Webinar - Social Security and Medicare: Your Questions Answered - April 24

Big I Illinois Webinar  
Thursday, April 24, 2025 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM   iCalendar Central Standard Time

Course #: 6000162237
3 IL CE hours

This course, created and taught by a veteran insurance educator (and one who has personally run the Social Security/Medicare sign-up gauntlet) will reveal lessons learned about both programs and bring much clarity to the chaos. Whether you are seeking info to help a customer, spouse, parent, relative or preparing for your own journey through the retirement “right of passage”, harvest the value of experience and take this course!

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Big I Illinois Webinar  

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Amrhein, Chris
Amrhein, Chris

Lorton, VA

Chris Amrhein, like most true believers in insurance, stumbled upon this business accidentally; specifically, after graduating from college and needing a job. After beginning in this business as a life-health agent, he graduated to property-casualty sales where he first met the greatest mine of comedy material existing today, the ISO forms. Following several years as a producer and independent agency manager/owner, Chris spent many years as a full-time educator/VP-Education for the Florida Association of Insurance Agents and VP-Education for the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America. Those years found him traveling about the country teaching seminars on everything from agency management to the claims made CGL. It has also taught him the absolute truth of Jimmy Buffet's famous observation about those who make a career of the property-casualty business: "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane." Chris is now a speaker, consultant, seminar leader and training developer, and resides in Lorton, Virginia, with the love of his life (and wife) Donna and youngest son Alexandru (18). His two older sons - Patrick, 36 and Kevin, 34 – are doing quite well without him. His email address chris@insuranceisfun.com and website www.insuranceisfun.com, say it all.