You won't want to miss this outing! Register today! Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.Shotgun Start: 10:00 a.m.Post-Golf Reception Full Day: $150 per golferIncludes golf, food and beverages on course, and post-outing awards reception
You won't want to miss this outing! Register today!
Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.Shotgun Start: 10:00 a.m.Post-Golf Reception Full Day: $150 per golferIncludes golf, food and beverages on course, and post-outing awards reception
875 Sports WayElgin, IL
Registration: Foursome (Pay for Your Entire Group)
Registration: Individual Golfer
Registration: Reception Only
Registration: Sponsor - Beverage Cart
Registration: Sponsor - Hole
Registration: Sponsor - Lunch
Registration: Sponsor - Reception
By selecting "Register Myself" only the person who logs in will be registered for the event. Use "Register Group" to register someone else, or a group of people, for the event You can also register yourself as part of the group.