Event Information
2025 - CISR - Commercial Casualty 2 – Virtual Class – Dec. 11
Virtual Class - CISR
Thursday, December 11, 2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Central Standard Time
Earn 7 hours of Illinois CE credit
This course, like Commercial Casualty I, expands your ability to have a confident relationship with your commercial customers in the area of commercial casualty exposures and coverages. In Commercial Casualty II, the focus is the Business Auto Policy, the Workers Compensation Policy, and Excess Liability Policies. You will improve your understanding in each of these vital areas.
Topics Include: Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability, Introduction to Business Auto Coverage, Excess Liability and Commercial Umbrella Policies
**Exam is NOT required for CE credit.**
The virtual classes will count for both state CE and designation credit. The exam requirements remain the same and the exam is only required for those pursuing a new designation.
For those taking the exam, you will do so online. The exam window will be open beginning at 4:15 p.m. the day of the class through Thursday at 11:59 p.m. CST the week following the class. Specific instructions on the exam including proctoring of the exam, and completion information will be distributed during the course.
If you would rather email/mail a registration form Click here.
To view the cancellation policy, click here.